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Kay Bee R-Mite and Balanstick

Brand : Kay Bee Bio Organics PVT LTD.
Data : R-Mite - 100ml and Balanstick - 100ml
Availability : In Stock

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R-Mite : R-MITE is a new acaricide prepared by Kay Bee Bio-Organics for control of mites in all range of crops. The formulation has been designed to penetrate plant crevices, branches and growing mediums where mite’s infestations seek to colonize. R-MITE contains various Phyto-constituents which has contact based broad spectrum action on mites.

Balanstick:- Balanstick is silicon-based Organic Sticker, non-ionic, highly concentrated surfactant with great ability to spread and penetrate at rapid speed and vigour apart from balancing pH, which enables the spray to Rain fastener.


R-Mite 1-2 mili/litre of water + Balanstick 0.5 mili/liter

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